Selected list of publications on the marketing of farm products. Pt. 1-9. April, 1918 / Compiled by Mary E. Griffith
成立年 [1918]
出版事項 [Washington]
形態 86 leaves 27cm
資料注記 At head of title: United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Markets. Library.Contents: Pt. 1: General publications -- Pt. 2: Cotton and cotton seed -- Pt. 3: Fruits -- Pt. 4: Vegitables and miscellaneous crops -- Pt. 5: Grain and hay -- Pt. 6: Li
請求記号 高岡・松岡パンフ 欧文 0650 (北海道大学附属図書館本館・書庫)
収載目録名 高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録
レコードID 0H061810000000000