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  1. A. A. Brigham   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  2. a radish noor attackel by bacteria   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  3. a radish noor attackel by bacteria   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  4. A bibliography of the history of agriculture in the United States  / Edwards, Everett Eugene   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  5. A biographical sketch of Dr. K. Sugi, the father of Japanese statistics  / Yokoyama, Masao   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  6. A Bird's-eye-view of Otaru.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  7. A brief sketch of the Kwantung Government.  / 満蒙文化協会   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  8. Abriss einer Geschichte der Theorie von den Produktionsfaktoren  / Muller, Johannes   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  9. A catalogue of the romanized geographical names of Korea  / 小藤文次郎   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  10. A chapter on the artificial propagation of the brook trout  / Titcomb, John Wheelock   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  11. A Chart of the N. E. Coast of Asia, and Japanese Isles.  / W. R. Broughton   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  12. A Chart of the N. E. Coast of Asia, and Japanese Isles.  / W. R. Broughton   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  13. A Chart of the N. E. Coast of Asia, and Japanese Isles……under the Command of Wm. Robt. Broughton Esqr.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  14. Acquisition of land : What has been done to cheapen and expedited the acquisition of land by public authorities--and some fallacies. A statement of the present position and the true facts concerning land   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  15. Address on cooperation in the distribution and marketing of farm products  / Powell, Georg Harold   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  16. Adolf Damaschke : ein Fuhrer zur Freiheit und Freude  / Kassner, Paul   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  17. Adriance buckeye harveting machinery   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  18. AEG Elektrizitat in der Landwirtschaft   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  19. A farm business analysis of 136 farms in Hillsboro County, New Hampshire : Abridged report  / W.C. Funk and R.D. Jennings   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  20. Afrika.  / A. Herrich   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  21. Agenda 1903   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  22. A General survey of prefectural conditions of Tokyo   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  23. A Geological Map of the Sorachi Coal Field in Yesso, Japan.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)  
  24. A Geological Map of the Sorachi Coal Field in Yesso, Japan.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  25. A Geological Map of the Sorachi Coal Field in Yesso, Japan.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  26. Agrarfrage und Sozialismus  / Stein, Alexander   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  27. Agrarlehre und Agrarpolitik der deutschen Romantik  / Lenz, Friedrich   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  28. Agricultural economics   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  29. Agricultural education  / Dabney, Charles W.   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  30. Agricultural questions : second item of the agenda   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  31. Agriculture in Hokkaido 1982  / 佐々木治夫   (北海道資料パンフレットカード目録)
  32. Agriculture of Hokkaido  / Nakashima,Kuro   (高倉文庫パンフレットカード目録)
  33. Agriculture of Hokkaido  / Nakashima, Kuro   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  34. A Group of Ainu in their better kind of Dress   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  35. A Group of Ainu Women   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  36. A Group of Penri and his Companions in various Ainu Customs   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  37. A Group three old Ainu Women   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  38. A.G.ベイツ氏葬儀通知  / アンチセル   (開拓使外国人関係書簡目録)  
  39. A Hairy Specimen of Ainu   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  40. A Hairy Specimen of Ainu   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  41. A Hydrographic Reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Hokkaido in Eight Sheets (石狩川測量図)  / Day, Murray S.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  42. A Hydrographic Reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Hokkaido in Eight Sheets (石狩川測量図)  / Day, Murray S.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  43. A Hydrographic Reconnaissance of the Ishikari River, Island of Hokkaido in Eight Sheets (石狩川測量図)  / Day, Murray S.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  44. Ainu Caravan   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  45. Ainu Caravan   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  46. Ainu Women playing on Harp   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  47. Akademische Gesetze (Studien-Ordnung, Disciplinar-Ordnung und Gesetz uber die Collegiengelder) : zum Gebrauche der Immatriculirten au der k.k. Universitat in Wien   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  48. AKAIGAWA:恵み豊かな大地カルデラの里  / 赤井川村,赤井川観光協会   (北海道資料パンフレットカード目録)
  49. A,K.Sakurai B, nakamura aug.1920 Photo(Nakamura Sakurai)  / 中村   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  50. A,K.Sakurai B, nakamura aug.1921 Photo(Nakamura Sakurai)  / 桜井   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  51. Alaria dolichorhachis Kjellman van. Longines, Miyabe 9. aug, 26 Hishitoma, prov Honto, Sakhalin Oct. 28, 1926  / 小西   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  52. Alaria dolichorhachis Kjellman van. Longines, Miyabe 9. aug, 26 Hishitoma, prov Honto, Sakhalin Oct. 28, 1927  / 小西   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  53. Alaria vp. nov Kuriles Oct. 4, 1926  / 小西   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  54. Alaria vp. nov Kuriles Oct. 4, 1927  / 小西   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  55. Alaria vp. nov Kuriles Oct. 4, 1928  / 小西   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  56. Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinskiy   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)  
  57. Alies maywama miy.et kuci Ptトド   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  58. A list of Plants of Formosa  / 台湾総督府民政部殖産局   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  59. A Manchu-English dictionary.  / Norman, Jerry   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  60. A Manchu monarch;an interpretation of Chia Ch'ing.  / Grantham.A.E   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  61. A Map of Kamtschatka, engraved from the Russian Map   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  62. A Map of Sapporo, Island of Hokkaido.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)    iiif
  63. A Map of Sapporo, Island of Hokkaido.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  64. A Map of the Discoveries made by the Russians on the North West Coast of America.  / Royal Academy of Sciences at Petersburg   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  65. A Map of the Kurilski Islands, engraved from the Russian Map.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  66. A Map of the World in Japanese.   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)    iiif
  67. America,Europe and the Manchuria question.  / Millard,T.F.   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  68. American diplomacy concerning Manchuria.  / Pan,S.C.Y.   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  69. American influence upon the agriculture of Hokkaido,Japan  / Tohoku Imperial University.College of Agriculture   (北海道資料パンフレットカード目録)
  70. American Institute of Co-operation, third summer session, June 20-July 16, 1927   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  71. American universities  / Thwing, Charles Franklin   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  72. An agricultural policy (as presented by a great Japanese writer)  / Yamamoto, Miono   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  73. An Ainu Hut   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  74. An Ainu Hut with a Family Group of Ainu   (明治大正期北海道写真目録(明治大正期の北海道・目録編))
  75. Analotniy of the Conifeac of leaf = Shaw, G.R. by The GenusPinus  / 小西   (ガラス乾板写真)  
  76. Analysis of migration of population to and from farms  / Galpin, Charles Josiah   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  77. An American shrine in Tokyo : memorial meeting for Townsend Harris held at Zempuku-ji   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  78. An appeal : to make the world brighter   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  79. A national agricultural policy : the finance of occupying ownership and co-operative credit : a study in "cheap money" & "compound interest"  / Johnston, John Henry Clifford   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  80. Anatomical characters and identification of Formosan woods;with critical remarks from the climatic point of view with 300 micrographs. By Ryozo Kanehira.  / 台湾総督府殖産局   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  81. Anbauflachen und Ernteergebnisse im Gebiete der Republik Osterreich im Jahre 1921, vergleichen mit den einschlagigen Daten des Jahres 1920 und des zehnjahrigen Durchschnittes (1911-1920)   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  82. An empire insurance society  / Johnston, Harry   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  83. An enumeration of plants hitherto known from South Manchuria.  / 矢部吉禎   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  84. An estimate of Negro life and character  / Inborden, Thomas Sewell   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  85. An estimate of the population of China in 1929  / Chen, Warren H.   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  86. A new and accurat map of the world drawne according to the truest descriptions, latest discoveries and best observations that have beene made by English or strangers.  / Speed, John   (北海道関係地図・図類目録(追加収載))
  87. A New Map of Great Tartary and China, with the adjoyning Parts of Asia, Taken from Mr. De Fer's Map of Asia. Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Glocester   (北海道関係地図・図類目録(追加収載))
  88. An illustrated ethnography of Formosan aborigines. Vol.1:The Yami  / Kano, Tadao   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  89. Annual catalog of Andover public schools, 1911-'12   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  90. Annual family living in selected farm homes of North Dakota : a preliminary report  / Kirkpatrick, Ellis Lore   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  91. Annual production report of manufactured dairy products and oleomargarine, by months, 1921   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  92. Annual production report of manufactured dairy products and oleomargarine by States-1921. Thousands, i.e., "000" omitted  / Prepared by Division of Dairy and Poultry Products   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  93. Annual report for 1911 with the supplement to the "Guide to the Experimental Plots"   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  94. Annual report of the principal of the Calhoun Colored School of Calhoun, Lowndes County, Alabama. 19th-21st   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  95. Annual report to the League of Nations on the administration of the South Sea Islands under Japanese mandate for the year 1921,1925,1933.  / 日本政府   (旧外地関係資料目録)
  96. Annual report, United States Indian School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1909-1912  / By M. Friedman   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  97. Anonyme Karte der Reise Martin Gerritsz. Vries' i. J. 1643   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  98. Anonyme Portugiesische Seekarte   (北海道関係地図・図類目録)
  99. Ansiedlungs-Wegweiser : im Auftrage der Gesellschaft zur Forderung der inneren Kolonisation und der Auskunftsstelle fur Ansiedlungswesen  / Schulz, Otto   (高岡・松岡旧蔵パンフレット目録)
  100. Anthemis eavpatiea=(Munehen) On the Botanical Garden Sapporo  / 小西   (ガラス乾板写真)  

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